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Time to jump into action

It’s that time of year to lumber up, to get outdoors and to flex those muscles as you try out lots of our favourite sporting activities.

I wonder what your favourite sport is? I wonder which is your favourite Sports Day event! What difference would it make if you did lots of practise for your event?

Enjoy this video clip all about Jasper’s Sports Day.

Imagine if you were preparing your favourite event for competing in the Olympic Games!

Here are some facts about the Olympic Games:

A lot of events in the Olympic Games are done in a short length of time. However, the longest event takes a lot longer than the others! Can you guess what that is? You are right if you think it is the Marathon!

Here are facts about the Marathon.

Here is an event you can practice that you can do on your own, by trying to win your own personal best result. Here you will find a record sheet which you can use to record your own score doing vertical jumps.

Vertical Jump home scale: Vertical Jump Home Scale (1)

Doing really powerful vertical jumps is down to practise and technique. In this video you will learn tips on how to train for vertical jumps. If you do these practises your leg muscles will get stronger and your body will get fitter too.