Tel. 01347 821767

Home Learning Packs for Years 2 to 5: Collection Arrangements

The home learning packs have now arrived in school and are ready for collection.  Please can you collect your child/ren’s packs on the following dates/times.  If you have more than one child to collect for, please come at the date/time for your YOUNGEST child.

If your child currently attends school in the keyworker group they will be given their pack in school.  If your child has a sibling attending school in Year 1 or Year 6, the pack will be sent home with them.

YEARS 2 & YEAR 3 – Wednesday 17th June between 10am and 2pm

YEARS 4 & 5 – Thursday 18th June between 10am and 2pm

The packs will be in a box outside the main school entrance and will be filed alphabetically under your child’s FIRST name.