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Harry Hall Cup for All Round Sporting Ability

I am delighted to have awarded the Harry Hall Cup for 2020 today to Alex Moore and Issy Hill.
The Harry Hall Cup is awarded for ‘All round sporting ability’ and no two better pupils embody this statement than Issy and Alex. Despite missing out on all usual sporting events that take place during the Spring and Summer term; they have always been great ambassadors for our school in terms of both sporting ability and sportsmanship.
They both have a quiet determination that has seen them represent our school at both individual and team events. I’m sure you’ll join me in congratulating them (in spirit!) on their achievement. I’m certain they will continue to enjoy and excel at sport at secondary school. They are certainly two names to look out for in the future.
Three cheers for Alex and Issy! Hip-Hip-Hooray, Hip-Hip-Hooray, Hip-Hip-Hooray.
Mrs Chandler