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Easter holiday ideas

Good evening all,

Apologies for the delay in sending today’s messages. We have experienced some technical issues which prevented us from being able to upload images.  Hopefully this is now resolved as I am sure you are eagerly anticipating this week’s edition of the Wall of Fame, which will follow separately, all being well!

A mixed bag for you today – some different ideas, from language resources, to audiobooks, to virtual globe trotting, suggested by Mr Porter:

A suggestion from my Dad about books to inspire a love of adventure and travel:

If you are missing the chance to take part in the local Parkrun at Millfield, why not have a look at these challenges –

Also, why not take the opportunity to do some Easter crafts? There are lots of ideas out there including making an Easter bonnet, do some Easter baking or create an Easter garden.  Maybe you could decorate a hard boiled egg.  Here are Amelie and Ethan’s efforts on this:

Wishing you all a Happy Easter.