Tel. 01347 821767

Dinner Money for this Half-Term

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a good Christmas break.

Dinner money for this half-term for children in Class 3 is £69.30 (6 weeks and 3 days)*

Dinner money for this half-term for children in Class 4 is £56.70 (6 weeks and 3 days less 5 days for weekly swimming lessons starting 19th January and 1 day for Sportshall Athletics on 13th January)*.

*If your child/children is/are taking part in the Young Voices concert on 11th January, please deduct  1 lunch @ £2.10.

Cheques should be made payable to NYCC.

If you have a dinner money credit from last term, you will be notified in a separate email.

Thank you.